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You're a Great Writer

I’ve been told, “You’re a great story teller.”

What does that mean, I thought to myself.

“It’s a gift,” they say.

Reimagining a place in time when I felt broken, alone and lost is no gift I wanted the ability to share in story form.

But I get it now…

It’s the ability to use body language, your heart, passion, your tone and even your laughter and tears to convey a message. It’s the ability to draw your audience in and feel as though they are there with you, sitting in that moment, learning from it.

I read a chapter to my girls at my launch party and thought I’d be strong enough to do the full read without tearing up. I failed. But what I succeeded in, was remembering that Waking Up On the Inside Is Not a Destiny—it’s a Journey; a process that can bring you back to where you came from, and push you towards your greatness. That pain from your past is a reminder that you’re human and that you were super human enough to live through it and be stronger because of it. Your faith made you well.

I hope you tell your story. Write it out from your heart. Take us to that place, and heal the man, woman, or child in that moment with words you didn't have then. Be authentic and unapologetic. Owe it to that place where you can never change the event, but you can change the person it made out of it. Heal my fellow writer.

You’re Waking Up—on the Inside.

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